A WaltonChain Community Member found out that the Block Explorer for the WaltonChain just went live. I believe this is an early leak for the Testnet and it involves some interesting info. You can check out the WaltonChain Explorer yourself at:
Some Interesting Info from the Block Explorer:
Block time
The block time seems to be around 30 seconds to 1 minute. I will assume this will not be less than 1 minute during main net because they also stated in the whitepaper that block time will be 1 minute.
Block size
Block size seems to be around 550.
Block reward
Now this is the most interesting part. The block reward right now seems to be 15 WTC per block. If we assume a 1 min block time and 15 WTC per block reward this means that we are looking at a 7.9 mil added supply from mining and staking per year.
From our Calculations, it seems like the reward for mining & WTC Masternodes will be quite decent.
Now based on this info what will be the expected profit for WTC Masternodes and miners you ask? Well, looking at the Dash system which looks to be the system Walton is going to use. The rewards for Dash are the following: 45% MN, 45% Miner, 10% Devs. Now I do not think that there will be a Dev reward in the WaltonChain blocks because they said in the last AMA that they will be running 15 GMNs to cover cost and such, so I think this will be the Dev reward. I also got the feeling like the Walton team thinks Mining should reward more than MN (based on the AMAs on this topic). So my guess is that the rewards for WaltonChain will be: 40% MN, 60% Miner.
Based on 7.9m new WTC coins from mining in the first year, about 3.2m of these coins will be rewarded for MNs if the reward is going to be 40% of the block reward of 15 WTC per block.
Estimated rewards for MNs
At 2000 MNs: 1580 WTC/Year = 31.6% ROI
At 3000 MNs: 1053 WTC/YEAR = 21% ROI
At 4000 MNs: 790 WTC/YEAR = 16% ROI
These numbers above are just estimates of the information we have today. Of course this will look a bit different because I did not take into account the PoST and difference between a WTC Guardian Masternode and a regular WTC Masternode.
Check out the reddit Post, where it got leaked:
Thanks alot for reading.